Monday, May 24, 2010

Spring Things

Spring sprang after a challenging winter here.
We had visitors (two and four-legged) from Florida, New York and Boston. We enjoyed the flowers at Biltmore, the drum circle in downtown Asheville, walks in the woods, and just hanging around the house...

Our garden's expanded and improved over last year's - the garlic is flourishing (I think Jackie must be secretly speaking Italian to it), and we've been feasting on our sugar snap peas and lettuce. I discovered a great recipe for pesto from garlic scapes. Buy them at the farmers market! My nemesis the flea beetle returned. I've sacrificed the arugula as a "trap crop". I'm doing incantations to prevent tomato blight...

We've also got culture - vermiculture! Looking forward to next year's worm castings for our garden...

Next door, Kevin and Laurel have added bees to the farm.

We had a wonderful visit to MA to see family and friends. We commandeered one of our favorite old haunts, JP Licks!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Moment of silence for the arugula.